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French Atheism

Episode 120

French Atheism

with Guillaume Bignon

120_ French Atheism - social hero

French philosophy is second to none. Voltaire, Sartre, and Camus are just some of the intellectual giants to emerge from France over the centuries. They’re also upheld as some of the great atheist thinkers of the age. But how did France – once the centre of intellectual Christianity – become a hotbed for the faithless? This is the story of French atheism, as told by a former French atheist.

Meet our guests

120_ French Atheism - social guest

Dr. Guillaume Bignon is a French philosopher and theologian currently residing in the US. His book Confessions of a French Atheist tracks his conversion from atheism to Christianity and the French influence that hung over it all.


Special thanks to our season sponsor Zondervan Academic. Get discounts on MasterLectures video courses and exclusive samples of their books at

Follow Guillaume on X here, or better yet, grab a copy of his book here.

A transcript of this episode is available here. Please note, that due to software not all exchanges between guests will be completely accurate.

Check out these photos of John’s dear friend Marie Rose – a former French Atheist who encountered God in the final years of her life

Marie Rose Graber: 20.5.1925 – 25.3.2012

John and Marie formed a close friendship in her final years, with many robust discussions about the Scriptures!

John still makes time to bring a Cappuccino to Marie’s grave every year (not the most French coffee order!)

Check out these helpful links below for more info on what was discussed in this episode.

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