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Question Answer XI

Episode 128

Question Answer XI

with John Dickson

128_ Question Answer XI - social guest

John faces down some of our most diverse – and controversial – questions yet. What’s the deal with circumcision? Why does John hate the term apologetics so much? Is Director Mark sick of John picking on him all the time? Tune in to find out all this, and more!


Special thanks to our season sponsor Zondervan Academic. Get discounts on MasterLectures video courses and exclusive samples of their books at

A transcript of this episode is available here. Please note that this has been generated with the assistance of AI, and as such it may not be entirely accurate.

Check out these helpful links below for more info on what was discussed in this episode.

Here are the questions John answers in this episode:

  1. Why did Jesus never write down his teachings?
  2. Do we really all deserve crucifixion?
  3. Could we conclude that God is loving from just reading the Bible if we’d never been to church or lived in a Christian-influenced society?
  4. Why did God make circumcision a sign of his covenant?
  5. Would the devil be forgiven if it repented?
  6. Why does John hate the term “apologetics” so much?
  7. What’s the deal with the “zombie episode” in the Gospel of Matthew?
  8. How does director Mark find working for John?
  9. How is God sovereign and just toward people who suffer from mental health disorders?

Here are some extra links to material discussed in the episode

  • Liv Pearsall is a TikToker with millions of followers – and her “Bible Stories with Liv” series is one of her biggest drawcards
  • Here’s the rendition of ‘Lucky’s Speech’ we played in the episode – taken from the acclaimed play Waiting for Godot.
  • We played some of episode 93 ‘The Crucifixion’ in this episode. It’s one of our most downloaded episodes – check it out here
  • We also revisited episode 121 ‘The Resurrection’. Here it is
  • We also featured some audio from episode 38 ‘Mental Health’. Check it out here
  • The filming of World War Z involved an amazing amount of extras, who flocked to Glasgow for a set piece that we featured in this episode. Here’s a great article that explains the logistics of that operation!
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