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Jerry’s Lakehouse


Jerry’s Lakehouse

‘Jerry’s Lakehouse – I live in the house with you’ is the Airbnb ad that caught Laurel’s eye and started a whole train of thought about the beauty of community.


Rustic. Refined. Cutesy. Elegant. Modern. Traditional. No matter your tastes, there’s a place to suit you in today’s online rental market. What you probably don’t go looking for, though, is a person who comes with dream destination.

Laurel Moffatt examines the boom in the short-term rental economy which has had a perverse effect on the life of the modern city. Even though we travel to more interesting locations, the sector has disrupted or further disintegrated social connections, particularly when a city has a high volume of listings.

The antidote to the problem of loneliness, though, is not medication, but human connection. Forget artfully arranged towels and bowls of fresh lemons on the bench. Connection with others and the gift of one another’s presence is the truly beautiful thing.


What is Small Wonders?

The clarity the desert brings. Hurricanes and hard relationships. Finding reason in the middle of a ruin. Small Wonders are quiet but profound observations about life from Dr Laurel Moffatt. In each fifteen-minute episode, Laurel uncovers lessons learned from broken and beautiful things that are polished to perfection and set in rich audio landscapes for your consideration.

Small Wonders is a proud member of the Undeceptions Network.




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