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Easter Myths


Easter Myths

with John Dickson

Easter Myths

It’s Easter, and billions of people pause to contemplate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Alongside them are plenty of folks who look at Christ quite differently. Studies continue to show that most people have a fairly positive view of the founder of Christianity. But that’s a long way from accepting that there’s any history – let alone relevance – in the alleged events of Easter.

We had a lot of fun looking at the Christmas Story through the lens of history. We thought it would be good to do the same for Easter. Bring on all of your questions about the historical authenticity of this central Christian celebration, and listen to what happens when they collide with the evidence of history.


photo of Jehohanan’s ankle bone

And as promised, here’s a photo of Jehohanan’s ankle bone, complete with the nail that was part of his crucifixion. As John mentioned, his ankle represents not only evidence that Jews were crucified during Jesus’ lifetime, but that they were also honourably buried afterwards. You can find out more about Jehohanan here.

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Easter Myths




Oh boy, does John love questions. So don’t be afraid to send them in. At the end of each season we dedicate an episode or two for John to answer all your burning questions about Christianity. Want to know something more about a previous episode? Or perhaps you’ve got a question about faith that you’ve been struggling to find an answer for?
Let us know here.

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