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Worse than you think


Worse than you think

However bad you think things are, it appears that the next generation believes they are worse … and with good cause.

Special thanks to our episode sponsor, Tearfund.

Complications in childbirth can be a death sentence for women like Radha, who lives in extreme poverty in rural Pakistan.

Your gift to Tearfund this Christmas will reduce maternal mortality and give babies the best chance at life. Donate now.



How about these figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, as reported in The Australian newspaper:

“Just under 40 per cent of 16-24 year-old Australians, 1.1 million people, reported having a mental disorder in 2020-21, That’s far higher than the overall proportions of 21.4 per cent for all Australian adults.”

And the figures climb for young females to over 40 per cent. The Australian reports:

“More than four in ten 16-24 year-old females in Australia reported an anxiety condition such as social phobia or panic disorder in that period, around twice the rate as males of the same age.”

Australia’s deputy chief medical officer for mental health Ruth Vine says, “There has been increasing levels of distress and anxiety in this cohort that predated Covid, but it has likely been exacerbated by Covid, with issues such as disrupted schooling. Social media is another consideration. It can be good in terms of connection but can also be a harm if it‘s leading to harassing behaviours. And young people are worried about global concerns as well.”

With the world seemingly out to get them, it’s time to consider what the youth of this world might actually benefit from experiencing.

What is Delorean Philosophy?

Where are we going as a society? And will you be happy when we get there? Steve McAlpine is here to help you answer those questions.

If a Delorean time machine pulled up in front of your house – Back To The Future style – and someone offered to show you what the future would be like, would you be content with what you found? And if not, what could you do to change it? Thinking this through is what Steve McAlpine calls Delorean Philosophy.

Steve McAlpine is a well-known social commentator, respected theologian and popular author. Each week, he takes a crucial trend or event that’s playing out in society now and asks, “Where is this taking us?”

Rather than just pontificating, Steve then provides practical steps listeners can take if they want to change the future. That’s Delorean Philosophy.

Delorean Philosophy is a proud member of the Undeceptions Network
Delorean Philosophy is a proud member of the Undeceptions Network.




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